Cyclone Near Madagascar Poses Risk to KZN Coast, Lifeguards Warn

Posted on January 29, 2025
by Yashmika Dukaran

Lifeguards are closely monitoring a developing cyclone off the Madagascan coast, which could impact sea conditions along KwaZulu-Natal’s shoreline in the coming days.

Authorities have urged beachgoers to exercise extreme caution, following a recent incident at Toti Beach where five people were swept out to sea by powerful waves on Monday.

Beach manager Jace Govender warned that high rip currents are expected to persist throughout the week. “We should start seeing the effects of these tropical storms over the next three to four days. All beach users should take note of this advisory,” he said.

Lifesaving South Africa has advised the public to only swim in designated areas where lifeguards are on duty to ensure their safety.