High Court Ruling Paves Way for Easier Access to Social Relief Grant

Posted on January 24, 2025
by Yashmika Dukaran

The Institute for Economic Justice (IEJ) has welcomed a landmark High Court ruling that will make access to the Social Relief of Distress (SRD) Grant easier. On Thursday, the Pretoria High Court declared the South African Social Security Agency’s (SASSA) 2023 regulations— which restricted access to the R370 grant—unconstitutional and invalid.

The ruling follows a legal challenge by the IEJ and advocacy group #PayTheGrants against the Department of Social Development. According to IEJ representative Siyanda Baduza, the government's failure to plan for the grant on a long-term basis has left millions of vulnerable people excluded from crucial financial assistance.

“One of the fights we had for the SRD grant was that the government was treating it as a temporary grant,” Baduza said. “We weren’t asking the court to set the value, but rather to compel the department to plan for this grant properly.”

The advocacy groups argued that SASSA’s restrictive measures, including an online-only application system and a bank verification method, unfairly excluded potential beneficiaries—especially those without internet access or smartphones.

Baduza hailed the judgment as historic, emphasizing that the ruling affirms the rights of millions who were wrongfully denied access to the grant.

In response to the ruling, Social Development Minister Sisisi Tolashe has been given four months to present a revised plan to the court and affected parties, ensuring fairer and more inclusive access to the SRD Grant.