The National Informal Traders Alliance of South Africa (NITASA) has requested an extension for the registration of food outlets, including tuck shops and spaza shops, as the deadline looms. Business owners are currently required to register their establishments by 5 PM today or face the possibility of closure.
President Cyril Ramaphosa had previously given food outlet owners 21 days to register with local authorities, following a series of suspected food poisoning incidents that led to the deaths of several children across the country.
NITASA President Rosheda Muller argues that the deadline is too tight and that traders require more time to comply with the registration process. “It is highly impossible, improbable for each and every food handler and spaza shop to be registered by today. While it’s not an impossible task, it requires more time,” Muller stated. She emphasized the need for a more measured approach, noting that the tragedy has caused widespread panic but registration is not as simple as it might seem.
Muller also expressed concern about the lack of awareness and communication regarding the registration process. She pointed out that many traders, especially those who are foreign nationals, are unaware of the registration requirements. "If I am a foreign trader and I open a business, I know I have to be registered, but it doesn’t happen like that. They are not registered and they are not aware of the rules and regulations," she said.
NITASA is calling for more efforts to raise awareness and provide training for traders, particularly in food handling and safety regulations, to ensure they are equipped to meet the necessary requirements.