SAPU raises concerns about specialized SAPS members.

Posted on May 9, 2024
by Yashmika Dukaran

The South African Policing Union (SAPU) has expressed concern about the significant number of specialized members leaving the South African Police Services (SAPS).

According to the union, the Special Task Force alone has seen over 50 members departing in the past fiscal year. SAPU suggests that issues related to remuneration may be driving members to seek opportunities in the private sector.

Union spokesperson Lesiba Thobakgale highlights concerns about the shortage of officers within the SAPS and notes that police killings may also be contributing to members' decisions to resign.

"Our Special Task Force, NIU, detectives, and all other members are clearly affected by these issues. So there is a need to resolve the issues that are causing specialized and other members of the South African Police Services to leave and seek better opportunities elsewhere."