President Cyril Ramaphosa will publicly sign the National Health Insurance Bill into law on Wednesday, initiating the government's ambitious plans for universal health coverage and creating a unified health system.

Opposition parties, businesses, and healthcare professionals have opposed the proposed legislation, arguing that it is unconstitutional.

The Presidency states that the signing of the bill will address past healthcare inequities. The signing ceremony is scheduled to occur at the Union Buildings in Pretoria.

However, key industry stakeholders have expressed concerns about the bill. Renata Schoeman, head of Healthcare at Stellenbosch Business School, agrees that the bill requires further refinement.

"In order to truly improve health in the country, we need a comprehensive perspective from all stakeholders, including the public and private sectors, across healthcare, education, media, and socioeconomic environments. This entails addressing poverty and individuals' responsibility for their own health within a networked system."